Standardized testing has been a long-standing pillar of the education system, aimed at evaluating students' knowledge and academic performance. However, as the world evolves, there is growing recognition that there might be more effective or holistic ways to assess students' abilities than standardized testing. Rethinking assessment practices in education is crucial to foster a more comprehensive and meaningful learning experience for students.

Limitations of Standardized Testing

 Standardized tests often emphasize memorization and regurgitation of information rather than critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They fail to capture the full spectrum of a student's abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as their creativity and emotional intelligence. Moreover, standardized testing can lead to undue stress and anxiety for students, potentially hindering their true potential.

Emphasizing Real-World Skills

 Education should prepare students for exams and life beyond the classroom. Moving beyond standardized testing allows us to focus on nurturing real-world skills essential for success in the modern world. Skills like critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, adaptability, and digital literacy are better assessed through alternative methods.

Performance-Based Assessments 

Performance-based assessments provide a more authentic representation of a student's abilities. These assessments require students to apply their knowledge in real-life scenarios or practical projects. For instance, problem-solving tasks, presentations, and research projects allow educators to evaluate students' ability to analyze, synthesize, and present information effectively.

Portfolios and Project-Based Learning

 Portfolios and project-based learning are powerful assessment tools that showcase a student's progress and growth over time. Portfolios can include various works, such as essays, artwork, videos, and reflections, giving a comprehensive view of a student's development. Project-based learning allows students to explore topics of interest and demonstrate their understanding through hands-on projects, fostering engagement and intrinsic motivation.

Peer and Self-Assessment

 Encouraging peer self-assessment empower students to take ownership of their learning journey. By evaluating their work and that of their peers, students develop metacognitive skills, critical evaluation abilities, and a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement. This process also promotes a supportive learning community within the classroom.

Formative Assessment

 Formative assessments, which occur throughout the learning process, provide valuable feedback to students and teachers. These assessments focus on identifying learning gaps and adapting instruction accordingly. By offering timely feedback and personalized support, formative assessment nurtures a growth mindset and helps students continuously improve.

Multiple Modes of Expression

 Students have diverse learning styles and strengths; assessments should accommodate this diversity. Offering numerous modes of expression, such as written assignments, oral presentations, artistic creations, and multimedia projects, ensures that students can demonstrate their knowledge and skills in ways that align with their strengths.

Embracing Technology for Assessment

 Technology offers innovative assessment tools beyond traditional testing. Online quizzes, simulations, and interactive assessments can provide immediate feedback and track progress more efficiently. Moreover, data analytics can help educators gain valuable insights into students' learning patterns and tailor interventions accordingly.

In conclusion, rethinking assessment practices in education is essential for fostering a more comprehensive and meaningful learning experience for students. Standardized testing has limitations and might not adequately capture students' diverse skills and abilities.

Educators can create a more inclusive and effective assessment system by emphasizing real-world skills, incorporating performance-based assessments, leveraging portfolios and project-based learning, promoting peer and self-assessment, utilizing formative assessment, offering multiple modes of expression, and embracing technology. This shift will provide a more accurate measure of students' growth and nurture a love for learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills crucial for their future success in an ever-changing world.

"Developing Emotional Intelligence in Students: Essential Skills for Success"

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the feelings of others. In today's complex and interconnected world, developing emotional intelligence in students has become increasingly important. Beyond academic achievements, EI equips students with essential skills for success in relationships, careers, and overall well-being.

Understanding Emotions:

 The foundation of emotional intelligence lies in understanding emotions. Students need to learn how to identify and label their feelings accurately. This self-awareness helps them recognize the emotions behind their behaviours, enabling them to make better choices and manage their reactions effectively.

Empathy and Perspective-

Taking Empathy, the capability to understand and share the feelings of others is a primary element of emotional intelligence. Teaching students to consider different perspectives and understand the emotions of their peers fosters compassion, cooperation, and conflict-resolution skills. Empathetic students are more likely to build positive relationships and create inclusive environments.

Self-Regulation: involves managing one's emotions, impulses, and behaviours. It helps students develop self-control, patience, and the ability to delay gratification. By teaching strategies such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and positive self-talk, educators can support students in regulating their emotions effectively and making thoughtful decisions.

Building Resilience: Resilience is the potential to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to challenges. Developing emotional intelligence helps students build resilience by teaching them to view failures and obstacles as opportunities for growth. Educators empower students to overcome obstacles and thrive in adversity by fostering a growth mindset and encouraging perseverance.

Effective Communication:

 Effective Communication is an important skill in all aspects of life. Emotional intelligence enhances Communication by teaching students to express their emotions and needs assertively, actively listen to others, and understand non-verbal cues. Students with strong communication skills are better equipped to build positive relationships, resolve conflicts, and collaborate effectively.

Social Awareness:

 Social awareness involves understanding the dynamics of social situations and being sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. Developing this skill enables students to navigate social interactions successfully, respect diversity, and cultivate inclusivity. Socially aware students are likelier to demonstrate kindness, empathy, and respect towards others.

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving:

 Emotional intelligence supports effective decision-making and problem-solving. Students who can consider the emotional impact of their choices, manage their impulses, and evaluate multiple perspectives are more likely to make thoughtful decisions. By teaching critical thinking skills alongside emotional intelligence, educators empower students to make responsible choices.


 Motivation is the driving force behind achievement and success. Emotional intelligence helps students develop intrinsic motivation by connecting their goals and values to their emotions. By fostering a sense of purpose, setting realistic goals, and celebrating progress, educators can inspire self-motivation in students, fueling their drive for continuous growth and success.

In conclusion, developing emotional intelligence in students is crucial for their overall success and well-being. By equipping them with skills such as understanding emotions, empathy, self-regulation, resilience, effective Communication, social awareness, decision-making, and self-motivation, educators empower students to navigate challenges, build positive relationships, and thrive in various aspects of life. Integrating emotional intelligence education into the curriculum enhances academic achievements and lays the foundation for a more empathetic, compassionate, and emotionally intelligent society.


In today's diverse world, fostering inclusion and diversity in the classroom is crucial for creating an environment that provides equivalent opportunities for all students. An inclusive classroom promotes respect, understanding, and appreciation of differences, enabling students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Embracing Different Perspectives: One of the primary benefits of an inclusive classroom is exposure to various perspectives. Students from different cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds bring unique experiences and insights. Embracing these differences fosters critical thinking, empathy, and a broader understanding of the world.

Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment: An inclusive classroom prioritizes creating a safe and respectful environment for all students. Establishing ground rules and norms that promote respectful dialogue and discourage discrimination or bias is essential. Teachers play a vital role in modelling inclusive behaviour and addressing possible incidents.

Adapting Teaching Strategies: Inclusion requires educators to adapt teaching techniques to meet the diverse needs of their students. Different learning styles, abilities, and language proficiency levels must be considered when planning lessons and activities. Utilizing various instructional approaches ensures that every student can engage and learn effectively.

Cultivating Empathy and Understanding: An inclusive classroom cultivates empathy and understanding among students. By learning about different cultures, religions, and backgrounds, students develop a global perspective and are better equipped to navigate an increasingly diverse society. Encouraging open discussions, sharing personal stories, and engaging in collaborative projects promote empathy and understanding.

Celebrating Diversity:  Celebrating diversity is integral to fostering an inclusive classroom. Recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities of each student contributes to a positive classroom environment. Teachers can incorporate multicultural literature, holidays, and traditions into the curriculum to expose students to different cultures and promote a sense of belonging for all.

Collaborative Learning Opportunities: Inclusion and diversity thrive in a collaborative learning environment. Group projects, peer mentoring, and cooperative learning activities encourage students to work together, share ideas, and appreciate the strengths of their peers. Collaborative learning also breaks down barriers and promotes friendships among students from diverse backgrounds.

Parent and Community Engagement: Inclusion and diversity efforts in the classroom are most effective when they extend beyond the school walls. Engaging parents and the wider community creates a strong support network for students. Collaboration with parents, community organizations, and local businesses helps bridge cultural gaps and enhances opportunities for learning and growth.

Inclusion and diversity in the classroom are essential for fostering equal student opportunities. We can create a rich and inclusive educational experience. Celebrating diversity, promoting collaboration, and engaging parents and the community strengthen these efforts. Ultimately, an inclusive classroom sets the stage for a more inclusive society where anyone can thrive.


The world is rapidly evolving, and the landscape of careers is undergoing a significant transformation. Today's jobs may not be relevant tomorrow as technology and societal shifts continue to reshape industries. As educators, it is crucial to prepare students for the careers of tomorrow by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate this changing landscape.

Technology is changing the job market, and students must develop a strong foundation in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. Students must create a strong foundation in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. These disciplines provide the building blocks for understanding and leveraging technology in various fields. Students can gain the skills necessary to adapt to the technology landscape by emphasising STEM education.

However, preparing students for tomorrow's jobs requires more than technical proficiency. Soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and adaptability are becoming increasingly important as automation takes over routine tasks, and human skills that cannot be easily replicated by machines become highly valuable. Students must be encouraged to think creatively, analyze complex problems, and work effectively in teams. Incorporating project-based learning, group activities, and real-world simulations into the curriculum can foster the development of these essential skills.

The jobs of tomorrow require individuals to be lifelong learners. Students must cultivate a growth mindset and embrace continuous learning. They must be adaptable and willing to upskill and reskill throughout their careers. Educators should provide students with tools and resources to pursue further education through traditional academic or online platforms.

The gig economy, freelancing, and startups are becoming increasingly prevalent. Students should be encouraged to think innovatively, take calculated risks, and develop an entrepreneurial spirit. Schools can introduce entrepreneurship programs, mentorship opportunities, and hands-on experiences to nurture the next generation of innovators.

Lastly, global awareness and cultural competence are vital for success in the interconnected world of tomorrow. Students should be exposed to diverse perspectives, languages, and cultures. Promoting cultural exchange programs, international collaborations, and language learning can help students develop a broader worldview and the ability to work across borders and with people from different backgrounds.

In conclusion, preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow requires a multifaceted approach. It involves a strong foundation in STEM subjects, the cultivation of soft skills, an emphasis on lifelong learning, the development of an entrepreneurial mindset, and a global perspective. 

As educators, we are responsible for equipping students with the tools they need to thrive in the changing landscape of careers. By embracing these strategies, we can empower the next generation to adapt, innovate, and succeed in the jobs of tomorrow.


In today's educational landscape, the traditional education model is challenged by a more student-centric approach, personalized learning. Personalized learning aims to tailor education to individual learners' unique needs, abilities, and interests, allowing them to reach their full potential. This blog explores the concept of personalized learning and its potential benefits for students.

Understanding Personalized Learning:

Personalized learning is an educational approach that recognizes the diversity of learners and seeks to provide tailored instruction, resources, and support to meet their specific needs. It involves leveraging technology, data analysis, and differentiated teaching methods to create a more individualized learning experience. The focus shifts from a teacher-centred classroom to a learner-centred environment, empowering students to take ownership of their education.

Benefits of Personalized Learning:

a. Customized Pace: One of the primary advantages of personalized learning is that it allows students to learn at their own pace. Each student progresses through the curriculum based on their understanding and mastery of concepts. This flexibility prevents boredom or frustration often associated with a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach.

b. Individualized Instruction: Personalized learning enables teachers to provide targeted instruction that caters to each student's strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. Educators can maximize student engagement and comprehension by adapting teaching strategies and content delivery.

c. Enhanced Motivation: When students have a say in their learning process and can explore topics that interest them, their motivation and enthusiasm increase. Personalized learning fosters a sense of ownership, empowering students to take responsibility for their education and resulting in improved academic performance.

d. Remediation and Enrichment: By identifying individual learning gaps and strengths, personalized learning allows targeted remediation and enrichment. Students can receive additional support in areas where they struggle while being challenged and encouraged to explore advanced concepts in subjects they excel in.

Technology's Role in Personalized Learning:

Technology plays an important role in enabling personalized learning experiences. With the advent of educational software, online platforms, and digital resources, students can easily access a wealth of interactive and adaptive learning tools. These tools can provide immediate feedback, track progress, and recommend personalized learning pathways, allowing students to navigate their educational journey more effectively.

Challenges and Considerations:

While personalized learning offers numerous benefits, there are challenges that educators and policymakers must address:

a. Equity: Ensuring equitable access to technology and resources is crucial to prevent furthering the digital divide. Efforts should be made to bridge the gap and provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of socioeconomic background.

b. Teacher Training and Support: Implementing personalized learning requires educators to be trained in new instructional methodologies, technology integration, and data analysis. Adequate support and professional development opportunities must be provided to empower teachers to implement personalized learning strategies effectively.

c. Assessment and Evaluation: Traditional assessment methods may not align with the personalized learning approach. Educators must explore alternative ways of assessing student progress, such as portfolios, project-based assessments, and competency-based evaluations, reflecting individual growth and achievement.

Personalized learning can revolutionize education by tailoring instruction to meet the needs of every student. By embracing technology, differentiation, and student empowerment, customized knowledge can enhance student engagement, motivation, and academic outcomes. However, addressing equity, teacher training, and assessment challenges are important to ensure its success.


In today's rapidly evolving world, the ability to think critically and solve complex problems is more important than ever. These skills empower individuals to navigate challenges and lay the foundation for innovation and progress. The following blog will explore the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in nurturing future innovators.

  1. The Power of Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the capability to objectively analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make reasoned judgments. It enables individuals to question assumptions, challenge the status quo, and identify logical fallacies. Cultivating critical thinking skills enhances creativity, fosters independent thought, and encourages intellectual curiosity. Future innovators must navigate a constantly changing landscape, make sense of vast amounts of data, and connect disparate ideas. Critical thinking equips them with the tools to break down complex problems, identify patterns, and generate unique insights.

2. Problem-Solving Skills: Catalysts for Innovation: Problem-solving skills go hand in hand with critical thinking, as they empower individuals to overcome obstacles and find innovative solutions. Innovators possess the ability to view problems as opportunities, not roadblocks. They approach challenges with a growth mindset, embracing failures as learning experiences. Effective problem-solving involves identifying the root cause, brainstorming alternative solutions, evaluating viability, and implementing the best action. Through this process, individuals develop resilience, adaptability, and creativity – all essential qualities of future innovators.

3. Fostering Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: Education is vital in nurturing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Educational institutions must prioritize curriculum and teaching methodologies that promote active learning, collaboration, and inquiry-based approaches. Encouraging students to ask questions, engage in debates, and think critically about real-world issues enhances their ability to analyze problems from multiple perspectives. Incorporating interdisciplinary subjects like STEM encourages students to tackle complex challenges.

Furthermore, integrating project-based learning and real-world scenarios allows students to apply critical thinking and problem-solving expertise in practical contexts. This hands-on approach fosters creativity, teamwork, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances – all vital traits of future innovators.

Critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities are increasingly valuable in a rapidly changing world. By nurturing these skills, we equip the next generation with the tools to navigate complex challenges and drive innovation. By fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in education, we are laying the foundation for a future filled with imaginative thinkers, creative problem-solvers, and groundbreaking innovators.


In the 21st century, technology has revolutionized various sectors of our lives, including education. Traditional classrooms are being replaced by innovative digital learning environments, ushering in a new era of learning. Technology in education offers numerous advantages, such as access to vast information through the Internet. Students can explore subjects beyond textbooks using online resources such as educational websites and research databases. This fosters personalized learning experiences.

Collaborative learning has also been greatly enhanced by technology. Students can now connect and collaborate with peers and experts worldwide through video conferencing tools, online discussion forums, and virtual classrooms. This facilitates teamwork, communication, and cultural understanding while eliminating geographical and educational barriers.

Technology has transformed multimedia learning by incorporating interactive elements. Multimedia tools like interactive simulations, videos, and gamified learning platforms create engaging and immersive student experiences, effectively aiding in comprehending complex concepts. This effectively aids. Understand complex concepts more effectively, fostering a positive attitude towards education and improving retention rates.

Adaptive learning, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), enables the personalization of education based on individual student needs and learning styles. AI algorithms analyze data to identify areas where students struggle and provide targeted interventions. This approach builds student confidence, motivation, and academic success.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies enable students to explore inaccessible places, events, and scenarios. These immersive experiences develop critical thinking and problem-

solving skills.

Access and equity remain pressing issues, as not all students have equal access to devices and high-speed Internet. Educators must update their skills to keep up with technological advancements. Concerns about privacy, security, and digital literacy must be addressed.

In conclusion, technology has become an indispensable tool in 21st-century education, fundamentally transforming learning experiences. It provides access to information, fosters collaboration and personalization, and creates immersive learning environments. Addressing challenges and ensuring equitable access for all students is paramount. An inclusive and engaging education system can be established by embracing technology and innovative pedagogical approaches.

Educating Generation Z: Effects of Covid 19

Will Covid 19 Change How We Educate Our Future Generations?

There is no argument on the point that this global pandemic has at least temporarily changed our lives, the way we do business, the way we work and the way we educate and learn. Majority of these changes are drastic where a big population of the world is in complete lockdown. The big question, however, is whether or not it is going to change some of the things, for example how we educate and learn, permanently? In this blog, we are only going to focus on the future of higher education.

The majority of the students in higher education institutes around the world belong to Gen Z. Gen Z are born after 1995 and are widely considered to be the future of the global economy. This generation is rather optimistic and driven by personal ambitions. They are the digital natives who are born to “swipe”. They are master of social media and prefer video messages over texting. They do also tend to travel more. In short, this is a generation that is truly globalized. Gen Z, is most likely, re-thinking and re-evaluating education as a result of this truly globalized pandemic. This generation lives in a world where the term “Fear of Missing Out” (FOMO) describes their expectation to exchange instant communication. With exams and travel cancelled, Gen Z’s “Fear of Missing Out” has been actualized.

It is high time for educators and higher education institutes to adapt the way they educate this truly global generation that cares more about global issues (such as climate change, mental health, and #MeToo etc). Covid 19 related changes to the world gives a chance to the educators to re-think education. Within days of on-set of the global health emergency, a big number of higher education institutes began to use technology to educate and introduced online learning, as they should have in this century even before the pandemic.

The traditional role of the educator as the the holder of the education that imparts wisdom or a role of a “sage on the stage” does not meet the need of the Gen Z for whom all of the information is a click away on their smartphones. The role of the educator is rather that of a facilitator. A facilitator that is there to guide the way.

This changed world brings new possibilities for the educators around the world to do things differently, to harness the power of technology to make education accessible. Of course, it goes without saying that now that a lot of the higher education institutes are providing online education, the quality of the virtual teaching must also be in par with the competition if the institute has to survive. Substandard online education can not only be not helpful but can be counterproductive.

We, at Blackstone School of Law & Business, have always been a big proponent of 21st century education which means we are a big fan of using technology for teaching and learning. There was already a heavy use of cutting-edge educational technology in our classrooms before the outbreak of Coronavirus. Our teachers and students were already accustomed to Google Classroom and our curriculum was already designed in a way to suit the collaborative and interactive nature of Gen Z. We coupled that with other google products for video conferencing and, voilà, we came up with a robust online teaching system.

The technology is out there and our learners are completely immersed in that technology from a very young age. If you are an educator, this is your chance to redefine education to suit the needs of our future generations.

5 Reasons to Join Blackstone School of Law

For those who aspire to have an exuberant legal career in Pakistan now have access to a revolutionized method of teaching, right in the heart of Lahore.  

Here are six ways our Blackstone School of Law is unique from any other traditional law school in Pakistan:

1. Blackstone School of Law’s students will be trained specifically to excel in the law practice right after graduation.
All traditional law schools are using outdated teaching methods as well as textbooks years after years and students are culturally bound to use poorly written cramming guides to pass law exams. Blackstone School gives our students a break from this redundant method and encourages discussion to voice their opinions in an oral or a written form. Students not only begin to understand the concepts better but also put their ideas to practice. A lawyer is not made by rote learning the entire book but by applying the concepts learned in class! It is a guarantee that our students will be confident in the professional arena more than a graduate of and UOL affiliate degree providers.

2. New teaching methodologies.
We use the latest pedagogical techniques: Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE), Flipped Classroom, Inquiry-based Instructions, and Student-Centered Education to make legal education more interesting and long-lasting for our students. Trained through a good dose of research, lectures, discussions and social media projects every week in the collaborative workspace classroom the student instills that knowledge and develops critical reasoning for every principle learned.

3. Understanding student personalities to help in enhancing their unique abilities.
Every student is different and the Blackstone School of Law not only recognizes this but is motivated to enhance the gifts of each individual. Our methodology takes into account the uniqueness of both extrovert and introverts personalities and trains our faculty to be sympathetic to their needs. We understand the requirements of each student to make sure knowledge is transferred from a genuine level of understanding to enhance results and confidence in these future lawyers.

4. Blackstone School of Law ensures skill-related development through paid internships.
The Work-Study Curriculum provides students a three-year head start by giving them a hands-on professional paid experience which they will start accumulating from the first day of their law school. Blackstone Law School’s students don’t just stand out in the crowd, they are the top law graduates who have already started reforming the legal environment from the first day of their LLB.

5. Scholarships.

Blackstone School of Law has introduced various scholarships that ensure that students do not miss the chance at a world class degree due to financial barriers. Many ill-educated lawyers have rendered the legal system ineffective as students have no access. We issue scholarships based on need, merit, women empowerment and teamwork scholarships for those deserving students. 

Join the Gold-Standard University of London

Notable Alumni Around the World

Blackstone School of Law brings to the future lawyers of Pakistan a chance to be part of the revered 100 years old institution of the University of London right here from their country.  We bring to them the chance to join the likes of notable members of the UOL Alumni including 4 monarchs, 52 presidents or prime ministers, 74 Nobel laureates, 6 Grammy winners, 2 Oscar winners and 3 Olympic gold medalists. This is the key to making a mark on the world like the honorary members of UOL such as Nelson Mandela, Alexander Graham Bell, Elton John, Queen Elizabeth II, Albert Einstein, and many others gracing the list.

The University of London International Programmes LLB (Hons) attracts students from all over the world who are keen to enroll in a degree which is internationally recognized as the 'gold standard'. This distance-learning course puts our students right on par with millions of bright minds that have passed through this challenging yet enriching system of studying making them stand out in society with an edge. Once done, our students will join a vast global alumni network of University of London students that creates opportunity beyond borders for everyone. 

A University of London degree awarded to a student who studies through the University of London International Programmes is of the same standard as a University of London degree awarded to students who study on a University of London campus. Although the study experience will be different, the University makes no distinction in the standard of the award that International Programmes students gain.

Blackstone School of Law courses supplement the resources provided by the University for its International Programmes students, and provide a revolutionary style of teaching to prepare them for the exams. This is an ideal way of achieving a prestigious degree without bearing the accommodation and tuition fee costs normally associated with studying for a degree from the University of London.

So if you are ready to embark on the ride to making an everlasting impact on the world and make a change apply now!
Apply Today!

Work-Study Curriculum

We are disrupting legal education in Pakistan in three unique ways: Work Study Curriculum, Flipped classrooms, and Independent Learning. Today, I am going to talk about work study-curriculum: In the upcoming three years of your life, you are going to learn how to be an adult! It is real and it is happening! Make peace with it.

Being an adult means that you learn how to do things on your own. When you graduate and land that dream job; you will be rattled out of your books. In short the traditional education system neither helps you in becoming an adult nor being successful in practical life.

So how will we help you? Instead of placing you in a boring lecture we put you together in groups, help you conduct research daily, encourage you to collaborate, and reward you for actively participating in the learning environment. This is the part that helps you become an adult and about crashing the barrier between student and professional life. We give you a chance to earn and learn at the same time. You are given a choice of various paid externships and internships that will give you the taste of the professional life you envisioned for yourself. You may come all corporate and money-minded, and leave with a passion for human rights or vice versa; you just never know until you find out for yourself!

Here at Blackstone School of Law, we are disrupting legal education and invite you to join the revolution. Apply Today!

Student as Independent Learner

Blackstone School of Law & Business is disrupting legal education in Pakistan in three unique ways: Work study curriculum, Flipped classrooms, and Global learning. We all know that in the traditional education system the best academic discussions happen outside of the classroom, especially in the college canteen. This is a telling indication on how the traditional classrooms are failing us. Instead of being a space where we can interact and collaborate they have become a sources of idle and teacher dependent learning. The result is unprepared, confused students, who develop a low esteem and consider themselves as failures.

Blackstone is committed to providing a learning environment that fosters independent learning. The students start interacting with a concept by researching for an answer to a Big questions working in groups. Once they have an outline finalized they share it with other groups. We understand that not everything can be found by the students on their own so we hold a discussion session after the group research so the teachers can fill any gaps. Finally, the students make videos, animations and write blog about what they have learned so we can connect them to our global audience of 2 thousand students.

Here at Blackstone School of Law, we are disrupting legal education and invite you to join the revolution. So, if you are ready to make your own rules, apply today and be part of our unique way to teach University of London LLB program!